Each month, the LiveHelpNow Challenge ranks our top 100 providers of superior customer service. These rankings are data-driven based on metrics provided daily to client dashboards. Measured against 12 unique values, Challenge winners are truly the best customer service providers in their field. The achievement reflects the professionalism, skill, concern, and quest to provide better service that define companies who rank among the top 100 in a global field of more than 10,000 businesses.

Specialty Software Group LLC

Software was started by two engineers to provide a sales solution for the construction industry. One of the partners, an HVAC contractor, never found a solution that was designed for the second-tier (mechanical contractors, electrical contractors, etc.) to third-tier (manufacturer's reps, sub and specialty contractors, etc.) relationship. Therefore, the search for a solution was born. Bidtracer development began in 2005 and has grown from a sales tool into a sales and project management suite. With the addition of a robust CRM, SalesTracer, that may be used as an integrated solution or stand alone, our solution will take your lead from conception to grave. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with a flexible online productivity tool. All development for Bidtracer has been done in-house by our on-staff programmers. All development and support is done in the United States. We are dedicated to comprehensive security measures and rigorous back-up routines that insure the integrity of our customers’ data.

LiveHelpNow Challenge Awards:

June 2024

May 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

August 2023

July 2023

June 2023

April 2023

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022