Each month, the LiveHelpNow Challenge ranks our top 100 providers of superior customer service. These rankings are data-driven based on metrics provided daily to client dashboards. Measured against 12 unique values, Challenge winners are truly the best customer service providers in their field. The achievement reflects the professionalism, skill, concern, and quest to provide better service that define companies who rank among the top 100 in a global field of more than 10,000 businesses.

Inventory Locator Service

Consumer Products

Since 1979, Inventory Locator Service, ® LLC has provided information via its global online marketplace to enable members in the aviation, marine, and defense industries to buy and sell parts, equipment, and services. With over 85 million line items of available inventory, 75,000 customer accesses each day, and 26,000+ members, ILS is the first, largest, and most active business-to-business electronic marketplace serving these industries.

LiveHelpNow Challenge Awards:

September 2020

July 2020