Each month, the LiveHelpNow Challenge ranks our top 100 providers of superior customer service. These rankings are data-driven based on metrics provided daily to client dashboards. Measured against 12 unique values, Challenge winners are truly the best customer service providers in their field. The achievement reflects the professionalism, skill, concern, and quest to provide better service that define companies who rank among the top 100 in a global field of more than 10,000 businesses.


Health Care Providers

In August of 2016, four of North Carolina’s top orthopedic practices teamed up to provide the highest level of patient-centered orthopedic care. This alliance became EmergeOrtho, serving patients with 45 locations in 21 counties. From the mountains to the coast, EmergeOrtho is North Carolina’s premier provider, recognized for offering world-class, comprehensive, and compassionate care. As the largest physician-owned orthopedic practice in the state, EmergeOrtho’s medical team includes upwards of 100 highly-trained orthopedic specialists and nearly as many mid-level providers. Our subspecialty orthopedic teams offer advanced expertise in conditions of the bones, muscles, and joints.

LiveHelpNow Challenge Awards:

June 2020

May 2020